Three – Two – One – BLASTOFF!

All in all, building a rocket takes many, many, many more months then a baby. So, with great excitement my rocket is launched out into the world. Though the building of and launching of my rocket, may appear to be no more than another book in the midst of millions, it goes forth into the world carrying my heart; the heart of a new mother for her baby, believing for its impact on the lives of others.


Reading has been a passion in my life from as early as I can remember. In my life-time I have spent hours walking, browsing, and touching books as I have perused many libraries and bookstores. Finding me with a book in my hands, buried in a corner somewhere as I travel off to a faraway place with imaginary friends has become a normal expected part of me.

Books themselves fascinate and draw me. They hold so much life between each cover. From colored picture and story books to technical books; we depend on them. However, like most things we depend on, we take them for granted. 

As I have embarked on writing and publishing I have found an even greater appreciation of the physical book as well as the authors who have poured out their heart to bring them to life. I have often heard the analogy of a book being like giving birth – and it did make sense to me – until now. Having had three wonderful children each of them required only 9 months to bring to birth. I now believe a better analogy is like the launching of a rocket, which often requires years.

The idea, thoughts, and dream of creating this rocket – our book – begins months or years before one single sentence is composed. Then the drawings, technical research, and engineering step in with many more months. Finally, the writing begins – the actual process of accumulating all the needed physical parts of your rocket – many more months.

Then one exciting morning comes when the construction phase begins and you start to see pages upon pages linking together creating something real, right before your eyes. In your mind you think “this is it” but there are still more weeks and months of intense research, writing and detail adjustments. But, slowly your rocket begins to materialize.

Eventually the cover, title and content look as if they are getting close; now comes testing its flight readiness. Oh no, it is nowhere near ready. Detail, detail, and more detail – proofing and editing that takes way more time than ever was imagined. You can’t believe how many errors seem to pop up every time you read and re-read what has already been read by five others. Each nut and bolt must flow together in this rocket; thus, continual adjustments are made.  

Then just as it looks like you’re close to launch, you realize that no one knows anything about your rocket. If no one knows, then no one will get to watch and be part of the launch of this spectacular rocket – now what? One more phase begins of many more months – marketing – letting everyone know what is coming.

Time rolls on and it is time to do the final pre-launch testing – heading to the publisher – it’s ready “this should be quick” runs through your thoughts. Haha, one more thing to learn – if you think you are ready, you probably really aren’t. The next process begins of finding more details, small and large that are definitely a surprise, while another month slips by as fixes are made and adjusted.

Finally, one morning a shiny truck arrives to open up the hanger your rocket has been stored in. The box carrying your completed book arrives and with anticipation you touch and hold it; the launch is ready to be made.


All in all, building a rocket takes many, many, many more months then a baby. So, with great excitement my rocket is launched out into the world. Though the building of and launching of my rocket, may appear to be no more than another book in the midst of millions, it goes forth into the world carrying my heart; the heart of a new mother for her baby, believing for its impact on the lives of others.

I hope you are able to watch and be part of the launch of my new rocket!


The Moles Won’t Win!

Mole holes

The weather is warming and my eyes have begun to see all that needs to be cared for in my large backyard. To my horror – it appears that the moles won! My lawn looks like a war was waged and definitely lost. My looming decision is: do I allow it – covering it up, leveling the mounds and top seeding? The result to the eye, will be nice and clean. But, walking across that lawn come July, the truth of uneven “bumpy” “ankle twisting” under-tunnels will be very obvious.

The best choice requires preparation – tearing up the old. The best choice also requires a dying process – a good seed!

The best fix begins with a choice, works through the preparation (cost and effort) and ultimately requires the re-seeding of new grass. However, if that new grass doesn’t germinate (having good soil, water, and warmth) its outside hull will not burst – it will not DIE – therefore, it will not bring forth new life.

We are rather like my lawn, spiritually speaking.

When we desire more of the presence of God – we want that, but do we really want Him? The best requires a choice, preparation and a dying – both in my holey lawn, as well as in our desire for more of His presence.

How you step into that desire is the question. Do you just apply the top seeding method – keeping those “bumpy” “ankle twisting” under-tunnels hidden? It may look good but the result is not the same. However, the complete fix – the fix that gives you a life of abundance at His feet, requires much more from you. So, making a choice is your first step.

Then the preparation begins – how much time do you want to devote? In our society we run at a chaotic speed – we are inundated with constant urgent demands. Here is where you will need to count the cost. Slowing down to sit and wait at His feet; to read, study and listen to His voice; and to set aside consistent prayer time will cost you something. You will need to make choices everyday – somethings will need to be laid aside. But here is where you will find Him! He is waiting for you to enter this place.

It is in that preparation time that you will find a seed within that is ready to germinate – but one more step will be required. It is a letting go of everything, a place of release, a place of repentance, a dying to liveAn abundant life where His presence is priority in all you say and do is where you find this process – a dying to live process. It is here that new life springs forth, free from hidden, under-tunnels. In this new life you will begin to be transformed into all that He has for you, you will find joy at His feet, you will find LIFE in His presence.

Let’s make the choice – the choice to do the complete fix – the fix that will allow us to step into the process of dying to live.

John 12:24 Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.

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